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发表于 2014-2-3 18:30:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

During the SuperBowl, the Coca-Cola Company aired a commercial to promote their brand as every other mega corporation who has a few million dollars to blow on a 30 to 60 seconds of television airtime. It was a nice commercial titled “It’s Beautiful” in which American people did American things while the song “America the Beautiful” was sung in the background.

You can watch the commercial here:

If you’re a human being you might say to yourself “that was a decent commercial, what’s the big deal?” But if you’re a vile monster void of emotion and compassion you might have realized that America the Beautiful was sung in MULTIPLE LANGUAGES. DEAR GOD, NO. Some people were pissed it was not sung in ENGLISH.

Coca-Cola, the soda pop (YOU NEVER SPECIFIED WHICH ENGLISH I HAVE TO SPEAK) company, tweeted after the commercial aired:

@CocaCola: The Only thing more beautiful than this country are the people who live here.

Coke is probably now realizing how that is not quite true.

Totally not racist.

Damn, Coke. You know shit is messed up when you’ve lost DIABETES BOY…

Yes, speaking foreign languages = terrorists.

Maybe the memo was written in something other than English?

"I’m going to attempt to sound smart and fail miserably."

lmao @ #fuckcoke

'turndaddy' doesn't want “all this foreign shit.”

Which American patriot said that?

Yeah, you “asswholes.”

"foreign decent" lmao.

(psssttt…they already have your money.)

"I’m not racist but I am."

"We (meaning myself and my very small sample of friends/family) speak English…"

"I have no control over myself and will continue to give you money for your sugary, addictive beverage, but know I am unhappy with you."

And here are a few fantastic “your in America” tweets showing how just because you say you can speak English, doesn’t mean you know how to write it:

Poor Brett in the tweet below seems to think people are trying to physically force him to stop speaking English by way of soda commercial…

shit, we were all having so much fun until non-white America came in.

Olivia has no fucking clue that it was “America the Beautiful” in the Coke commercial, not God Bless America. But who cares? REAL AMERICANS don’t need to know the difference between the songs as long as they’re sung in ENGLISH!!

And, she’s not the only one. Apparently, the Star-Spangled Banner is no longer the United States’ national anthem…

The commercial was made by the private corporation, the Coca-Cola Company, so if you don’t like it sir, take it up with the *** free market ***.

This is all just a extremely tiny sample of what’s being said over on Twitter and, shit…

…I didn’t even…

…get a chance…

…to take a look at…

…Coca-Cola’s Facebook page.

And don’t you dare tell Conservative pundits this is going on, they don’t believe you (even when their fellow Conservative pundits are taking part in it themselves)…

Last but not least, however, we have Kasey Knowles. Now, first she tweets out this…

…then, she tweets the classic “non-apology apology” where she actually DOUBLES DOWN meaning even the “non-apology apology” is actually a “non-apology non-apology apology”…

…but why would this random girl feel the need to apologize? It’s not like she represents her good ole’ state of Kansas…



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