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Our imperial President calls for more laws...

发表于 2022-6-6 11:18:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
President Biden is calling for more gun laws. More laws against vehicle emissions. More "hate crime" laws. Laws for voting "rights." Laws protecting abortions. Laws banning noncompete agreements. More antitrust laws, more labor laws… more, always more, federal laws.
The federal government was never intended to be this big, or to rule over Americans' lives so thoroughly. But the imperial Presidency and its enabling Congress have long subverted the Constitution.
Aside from laws, the imperial President through executive orders and the appointment of czars that impose regulation through unConstitutional government agencies, the enabling Congress by legislating in matters that are not enumerated and by ceding its duties under Article I, Section 1, which says: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."
The result is endless wars and a growing tyranny.
In an essay in the American Daily Advertiser, Alexander Hamilton succinctly summed up how best to preserve our liberty. He wrote:
If it be asked, What is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be, An inviolable respect for the Constitution and Laws — the first growing out of the last. … A sacred respect for the constitutional law is the vital principle, the sustaining energy of a free government.
President or king?
During the Constitutional Convention, there was much discussion about the chief executive, how much power he should have, how long his term should be and whether there should be more than one. In fact, the lack of a chief executive was considered one of the glaring weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
Save Alexander Hamilton and James Wilson — who advocated for a strong chief executive similar to a monarch — delegates were most concerned that the executive would turn into a virtual king.
During the Philadelphia Convention, Charles Pinckney said he was "for a vigorous executive, but was afraid the executive powers of the existing Congress might extend to peace and war, &c.; which would render the executive a monarchy of the worst kind, to wit, an elective one."
When Wilson moved that the executive should "consist of a single person," the Convention was silent. After Benjamin Franklin asked for opinions, John Rutledge said, he was "for vesting the executive power in a single person," though not for "giving him the power of war and peace."
George Mason said, "If strong and extensive Powers are vested in the Executive, and that Executive consists of only one Person; the Government will of course degenerate (for I will call it degeneracy) into a Monarchy–a Government so contrary to the Genius of the people that they will reject even the appearance of it…"
What would Mason, Franklin, Rutledge and Pinckney think of the Presidency now?
Over the years, the President has usurped more and more authority from Congress, and Congress has ceded its authority willingly. Now the President and whoever tops the Republican ticket and seeks to replace him both believe the President has the authority to make war without Congressional approval, kill U.S. citizens at his discretion and imprison Americans without charges and hold them indefinitely without trial.
It's safe to say even Hamilton and Wilson would be mortified by those prospects.
Government, the mainstream media and an American populace blinded by normalcy bias, cognitive dissonance or faux patriotism — whatever you want to call it — and the powerful mainstream media propaganda machine consider anyone who questions the "authority" of the president and congress as un-American, or unpatriotic.
The Bill of Rights has been eviscerated, sacrificed on the altar of "national security" with little more than a whimper from the American people. We have entered a post-Constitutional America.
My advice is to be vigilant. There is and has been for some time a propaganda war designed to marginalize and demonize the liberty movement and those who advocate for a government that is limited by the Constitution and rule of law.
Establishment politicians and elitists attempt to marginalize supporters of the Constitution and small government with ad hominems and logical fallacies.
Nor is it just the establishment elected class and its propagandists who casually throw around the term "extremist" when talking about honest, hardworking American business owners; blue- and white-collar workers; veterans; retirees and students who are linked to the liberty movement through the original grassroots local Tea Party groups and libertarian-oriented "Ron Paulites."
Pay attention to comments on articles and social media comments to recognize those who attempt to smear conservatives and Libertarians with baseless ad hominems and comparisons to the Taliban and Nazis.
Elect people who will not enact laws and policies the likes of which accelerated the journey to where we now find ourselves: living in a police state engaged in perpetual war with a bloated, deficit-riddled, ever-growing government and in a time where Senators and Americans who oppose those policies are branded as extremists or potential terrorists. It was opposition to Bush policies at the end of his term that sparked the growth of the Tea Party in the first place, and hopefully there is another Red Wave Coming in 2022.

For over 50 years, my goal has been to help you discern what to do in situations just like we are experiencing today. Be sure to subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter® and I will send you my compendium filled with advice that will keep you healthy, prosperous and free for years to come.
It's a sad day indeed when there is a necessity to ask whether our government feels it can label us as terrorists and disregard the Constitution by piling on federal rules and regulations that steal our freedom, and when just asking the question gets you branded as an extremist or, worse, a libertarian, a terrorist or a Patriot.
The imperial presidency has its roots in 1861 and Abraham Lincoln, who had no regard for the Constitution and the rule of law. Sadly, President Biden is hiding in his shadow. And so will each subsequent president unless we acknowledge what is happening and reverse the slide towards the imperial Presidency.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®

发表于 2022-6-6 14:41:41 | 显示全部楼层
败等不是国王, 只是背后势力的马甲而已。 搞臭了,换个马甲继续骗。
 楼主| 发表于 2022-6-6 14:44:01 | 显示全部楼层
ssgo2008 发表于 2022-6-6 14:41
败等不是国王, 只是背后势力的马甲而已。 搞臭了,换个马甲继续骗。

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