第二港湾, 华人休闲之家

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发表于 2020-2-7 10:53:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中國的春節和鑽石公主號郵輪約略相似。到02/07/2020日本厚生勞動省公布,鑽石公主號上新查明檢疫結果的171人中,41人感染新型冠狀病毒。早前已有20人確診。即累計61宗。 3,700 多名乘客和船員61名確診,差不多2%確診率。武漢1100萬大概20萬確診患者。當然前提是疫情控制住,不再繼續傳染。
https://www.healthline.com/healt ... die-from-pneumonia?

武汉市汉口殡仪馆 http://whhkbyg.com/html/guanyuwomen/ 位于黄陂区临空港经济开发区天阳路(滠口街枫橡咀村特1号)。现有殡仪服务车辆20余辆,高档火化炉30台,遗体冷藏床位346个




发表于 2020-2-9 00:00:21 | 显示全部楼层
隐瞒是中共的行为规则, 不会改的。
 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-10 08:49:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-2-10 09:22 编辑

日本政府厚生勞動省表示,截至9日為止,船上共有70人確診感染武漢肺炎,但相關人士表示,根據病毒檢查結果,又新增約60人確診。130/3700 = 3.5%, 武漢1100萬得有40萬確診。
[主持人:] 截至2月9日24时,据各省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告,现有确诊病例35982例,其中重症病例6484例,累计治愈出院病例3281例,累计死亡病例908例,累计报告确诊病例40171例。以上是疫情情况。2020-02-10 15:00:29 [ 2020-02-10 20:19:51.0 ]

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-11 21:49:16 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-2-12 10:31 编辑
万得福 发表于 2020-2-10 08:49
日本TBS電視台當地時間10日報導,鑽石公主號郵輪上傳出又新增約60人感染2019新型冠狀病毒肺炎,加上之前已 ...

鑽石公主號郵輪再添39確診患者。縂確診人數174. 一個星期的密集交叉傳染,174/3700=4.7%。https://nypost.com/2020/02/11/39 ... d-with-coronavirus/




 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-12 11:38:01 | 显示全部楼层
For Event 201, hosted in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the experts added a new layer of realism by reaching beyond government and NGOs to leaders in the private sector and business community. Participants included representatives from NBCUniversal, UPS, and Johnson & Johnson.
a coronavirus pandemic exercise run by Johns Hopkins, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum only three months before a real coronavirus outbreak took place in China, the goal will be to use the event to create a central economic authority to distribute resources to "counter the virus." You see, the elites never let a good crisis go to waste.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-13 07:44:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-2-13 07:46 编辑

2020/02/13 https://www.cnn.com/asia/live-ne ... intl-hnk/index.html
鑽石公主號郵輪再添44確診患者。縂確診人數219. 5天由一人傳染219人·,219/3711 = 5.9%感染率。
 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-13 22:06:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-2-14 21:41:11 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-15 22:23:54 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-2-13 07:46 编辑

2020/02/15 https://www.cnn.com/asia/live-ne ... intl-hnk/index.html
鑽石公主號郵輪再添70確診患者。縂確診人數356. 356/3711 = 9.6%感染率。
 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-18 10:32:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-2-19 08:34 编辑

鑽石公主號郵輪縂確診人數542. 542/3711 = 14.6%感染率。天啊!
https://www.usatoday.com/story/t ... sengers/4788804002/


发表于 2020-2-18 17:53:34 | 显示全部楼层
万得福 发表于 2020-2-18 10:32
鑽石公主號郵輪縂確診人數542. 356/3711 = 14.6%感染率。天啊!
https://www.usatoday.com/stor ...

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-19 11:48:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-2-19 11:50 编辑

鑽石公主號郵輪縂確診人數621. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/ ... na-coronavirus.html
At least 621 passengers aboard the ship, the Diamond Princess, have been infected. On Wednesday, the authorities reported an additional 79 cases on the ship, which originally carried about 3,700 passengers and crew members.
621/3711 = 16.7%感染率。日本官僚和中國共產黨是一丘之貉。
 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-19 12:09:58 | 显示全部楼层

Global centralization is the cause of crisis — not the cure

It should not be surprising that the World Health Organization, a branch of the United Nations, has been so aggressive in cheerleading for the Chinese government and its response to the coronavirus outbreak. After all, China's communist surveillance state model is a beta test for the type of centralization that the U.N. wants for the entire planet. They certainly aren't going to point out that it was China's totalitarian system that allowed the outbreak to spread from the very beginning.
Even now Xi Jinping is trying to rewrite history, claiming that he had been swift in responding to the crisis more than a month before he actually did.
Brave health workers like Li Wenliang, who was punished by the government for warning about the virus in December, have died in the process of trying to fight against the centralized behemoth just to get vital information to the world, but that never happened, right? It was actually president Xi and the CPC that saved the day. The WHO and the CPC say so. You'll never hear the U.N. praise the efforts of Li Wenliang, either; they want his name to disappear down the memory hole as much as the Chinese government does.
The developing narrative is a familiar one — local officials "stifled" the response to the outbreak while the centralized national leadership put things back on track with extreme control measures that have turned the Hubei province into a veritable internment camp. Whatever you do, don't point out that it was the national government's habit of imprisoning health officials that step out of line by releasing "false information" that led to the delayed reaction on the coronavirus. Also, don't point out that ground zero for the outbreak is only 20 miles down the road from the largest Level 4 Biohazard Lab in Asia, because that would make you a "conspiracy theorist."
The message is clear: Centralization works. Even when it fails miserably, it is still the answer to all our problems. All we have to do is "adjust" the historical record a little bit every time the system breaks and then institute even more centralization in response.
In other words, if the interdependent and draconian top-down structure of the globalist state leads to crisis, then it is because it was not centralized enough. Centralization always begets more centralization.
The financial fascist system of central banking and corporate oligarchy leads to socialist welfare state, and the socialist welfare state leads to the surveillance state, and the surveillance state leads to the martial law state, and the martial law state leads to full-on global governance; an endless elitist empire.
The failings of centralization have caused numerous problems long before it led to a potential pandemic. The pandemic simply clarifies the issue. For example, the breakdown in the global supply chain is becoming a bigger threat by the day. Globalism has led to interdependent economies and nation states that no longer have redundancies in production. We have been forced to rely on production centers on the other side of the world for a vast majority of our goods.
When China shuts down, the U.S. economy loses almost 20 percent of its supply chain. When Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam shut down, you can add another 5 percent to 10 percent on top of that. Retailers in the U.S. represent around 70 percent of GDP. Shut down the supply chain in Asia and retailers lose a vast array of goods to sell. The U.S. economy eventually shuts down also, even if the virus never spreads here.
Now, some people will argue that we don't need all the "cheap plastic crap" from Asia anyway, and this situation is a "good thing." Sorry to break it to you, but America's economy is built on the selling of cheap plastic crap (along with the selling of the fiat dollar as the world reserve currency). Walmart (Chinamart if you discount agricultural products) is the largest employer in the U.S. and the world, after all. Right or wrong, our economic system is so globalized that the fall of the Chinese dominoes will eventually knock down our own dominoes.
But when this disaster occurs and numerous national economies suffer from enforced globalist integration, guess what will happen next? The globalists will ride to our "rescue" with even greater centralization. This was their agenda all along.
Many people in the liberty movement are now aware of the Event 201 simulation, a war game run by globalists in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum on a "theoretical" coronavirus pandemic that kills 65 million people. This simulation took place only a couple of months before the real thing exploded in China in December. But hey, maybe that's all just amazing coincidence. What concerns me even more is the solution that was presented at the end of Event 201 — the creation of a centralized global financial body that would manage the international response to the outbreak.
Isn't it amazing how every major catastrophe caused by globalism seems to lead to more globalism? One might start to wonder if some of these events were triggered by incompetence, or if they were deliberately engineered. At the very least, crisis events have been allowed to fester unchecked by organizations like the WHO as they continue to write off the coronavirus as a non-issue that is well under control by a Chinese government that caused it to spread in the first place.
So here is what is going to happen next:
Best case scenario is that the Western world is mostly unscathed by the virus itself, but the economic supply chain suffers major setbacks. The global economy, which was already crashing due to historic levels of corporate and consumer debt, not to mention faltering exports and freight, is finally tipped over the edge. The massive Everything Bubble, fueled by a decade of inflationary central bank stimulus, implodes. Governments respond with totalitarian measures in the name of "protecting the public."
Globalist institutions like the IMF step in and suggest that frail national monetary systems come under the management of their Special Drawing Rights basket in order to mitigate the debt crisis. Essentially, this is the first step to global governance.
Worst case scenario, the virus spreads throughout the U.S. and Europe and our governments respond the same way China's government has; martial law and full-blown concentration camp culture. This leads to civil war in the U.S. because we are armed and will shoot anyone trying to put us into quarantine camps. Europe is mostly screwed.
The establishment suggests that paper money be removed from the system because it is a viral spreader. China is already suggesting this solution now. Magically, we find ourselves in a cashless society in a matter of a year or two; which is what the globalists have been demanding for years. Everything goes digital, and thus completely centralized as private trade dies.
Again, this might be an engineered event, or it might simply be that the globalists are exploiting a natural outbreak. Either way, they are not going to let a good crisis go to waste. Whether or not they succeed is dependent on several factors, but mostly, its dependent on us. How many people will buy into the notion that centralization is the answer to our problems? How many people will realize that centralization is thecause of all our problems? And how many people will fight to prevent ultimate centralization under the psychopathic globalist cult?
A viral outbreak is a significant danger to us all, but an even greater threat is the supposed cure. Trading our economic and social freedom in the name of stopping the coronavirus? It's just not worth it.

To truth and knowledge,
Brandon Smith

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-20 09:35:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-2-21 09:31 编辑

https://www.usatoday.com/story/t ... ers-die/4815851002/
According to Japanese broadcast outlet, NHK, the two Japanese cruise passengers who died from the virus were an 87-year-old man and an 84-year-old woman.
The two passengers were taken to the hospital on Feb. 11 and 12, respectively, and each tested positive the day after they were admitted, Health Ministry official Masami Sakoi said. They are believed to have been infected before the ship was officially placed under quarantine on Feb. 5.
鑽石公主號郵輪縂確診人數626人. 兩名死亡,分別是87嵗和84嵗。626/3711 = 16.9%感染率.  2/626= 0.3%死亡率。一月20號傳染源上船,25號下船,兩-三個星期后二月11號兩人進醫院,2月19號死亡。縂過程約一個月。二月五號宣佈全船隔離,到3月五號就基本上知道這次瘟疫的嚴重程度了。

发表于 2020-2-20 19:31:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 gejkl 于 2020-2-20 19:33 编辑


 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-21 09:32:32 | 显示全部楼层
The ship docked at a Yokohama port has the most COVID-19 cases outside of China, with 634 confirmed by late Thursday. Two former passengers have died.
634/3711 = 17.1%感染率.  
 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-23 23:20:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-2-24 12:02 编辑

691 名旅客確診,691/3711=18.6%。

三名死亡: 3/691=0.4%。
In total, 691 passengers — nearly one-fifth of the ship’s population — have been reported infected by the virus, according to the outlet.
https://nypost.com/2020/02/23/th ... ss-cruise-has-died/


 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-26 08:22:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-2-26 15:23 编辑

705 確診,4名死亡.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-28 09:22:32 | 显示全部楼层

2020/02/28 705 確診,6名死亡. 近1%死亡率。

705 確診,6名死亡. 近1%死亡率。
A total of 705 passengers and crew onboard the Diamond Princess were confirmed as having COVID-19.
Six people from the ship have now died, with the British man the first foreign passenger to die, Kyodo News said.
https://news.sky.com/story/coron ... -ship-dies-11945226

 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-2 10:43:20 | 显示全部楼层
705 確診,7名死亡. 近1%死亡率。36重病患者。
全球除中國伊朗(數據污染太大,不可信)外,8329確診,91死亡, 1.1%死亡率。
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