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Christopher Yuan: Leaving Behind A Double Life

发表于 2015-7-28 22:12:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


“My parents really wanted to hold onto our Chinese heritage.  So even though we were here in America, we were still distinct.”
Christopher Yuan is the son of Chinese immigrants.  Although he was born in the United States, he  never felt like he fit in with his American classmates.
“Kids are always cruel, and they pick on kids for being  different.”
He was small for his age.   He played piano and worked hard in school. He wasn’t good at sports like  the other boys.
“I was shorter. I wore glasses, so I was ‘four eyes,’”  Christopher recalls. “I was picked on, because I was maybe a little more  effeminate [and] I was more artistic.”
When he was nine years old, Christopher saw pornography at a  friend’s house. That’s when he started thinking maybe he was different.
“Those images just awoke something in me that I didn’t know  was there,” he says. “But, I also noticed that I was attracted to the images of  both the men and the women.”
He decided to keep his feelings secret with hopes they would  go away, but they didn’t.
“All these feelings were kind of bubbling up in me, and I  was  keeping them held down. I felt like I just needed to get it out  somehow.”
When he was about 20 years old, Christopher started going to  gay bars. He says, “I was doing that kind of secretly behind my  parents’ backs, and my other friends didn’t know.  I was being more sexually  active.”
When he moved  away for dental school, he decided to let  his secret out and live the homosexual lifestyle full on.
“At that point, I felt like I could really express myself  and explore who I was and explore these feelings that I had kept hidden for so  long.”
Then one day while at home, he told his parents about his  sexuality.
“I had heard horror stories from my other gay friends of how  their parents reacted and how their parents didn’t understand, kicked them out  of the house and told them never to come back again.”
His parents reacted as he’d expected. His mother recalls, “The  words were definitely not enough to describe how I felt. When he told us he was  gay, I felt ashamed, betrayed, rejected, devastated and full of sorrow.”
His dad says, “My reaction is that I feel totally hopeless  and I just give up hope.”
The two decided to pray for their son.  He was a dental student by day, but by night,  he was getting deeper into a lifestyle ruled by homosexual encounters and drug  abuse.
“I was traveling around the country doing drugs and selling  drugs, so I was missing more and more class. I really thought that I can live a  double life and have my drug life along with school life. Not let them  interfere.”
It wasn’t long before the two worlds collided. He was  expelled from dental school just four months before graduation.
“So now that they expelled me, I just completely consumed  myself with living in the gay community, especially in the gay bars and the gay  clubs. I began doing what I knew how to do well --  drug dealing.”
He was making big bucks and having several sexual encounters  each day. He recalls, “I was treated like a superstar, and I felt that I was  invincible. I really felt like that I was god.”
His parents refused to give up on him, even though he  refused to stay in touch.
“Every morning before I started my day I would go into my  prayer closet,” his mother says. “One of the prayers was, ‘Lord, have mercy on  this son.’”
The answer to the prayer came one day with a knock on Christopher’s  door.
“I opened up my door, and it wasn’t anybody that I had seen  before,” he says. “It was 12 federal drug enforcement agents. Right behind me  on my kitchen counter was all my drugs. So because they could see the drugs in  plain sight, they were able just to come right in and they really caught me  red-handed. I was charged with the street value equivalent of 9.1 tons of  marijuana.”
Just three days after he went to jail, something in a trash  can caught his attention.
“I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a Gideon’s Bible. For the  very first time, I opened up that good book. As I was reading it, I was really  convicted of my rebellion, not only against the law and against man, but also  against God.”
Christopher learned that there were consequences to his  actions.
“So they sent me to the nurse’s office. She wrote something  down and slid the piece of paper across the desk to me. I looked down at this  piece of paper. I saw three letters and a symbol, and it read HIV+.”
He went back to his cell, feeling like he’d just received a  death sentence.  He lied down and looked  up at the graffiti-covered bunk.
“I noticed one thing scribbled there by someone. It read: ‘If  you’re bored, read Jeremiah 29:11,’ which says, ‘For I know the plans that I  have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.’ That  point was probably the darkest, most hopeless point in my life, after I was  sentenced to six years, after I had received news of my HIV status. God gave me  enough faith that night to just simply get through that one day.
“It was during this probably year-long process that I  surrendered my life to Christ and I knew I no longer was going to live  according to my ways and according to the ways of the world, but surrendering  all my hopes and dreams to Him.”
As his relationship with God grew, Christopher struggled to  find justification for his homosexual lifestyle.
“I turned to the Bible alone. I went through every verse,  every chapter, every page of Scripture looking for justification for  homosexuality. I never found anything,” he says. “So I was at a turning point,  and a decision had to be made. It was either abandon God and His Word to live  as a homosexual by allowing my feelings to dictate who I was or abandon  homosexuality by liberating myself from my feelings and live as a follower of  Jesus Christ. My decision was clear and obvious, and I chose God.”
Christopher was released from prison after serving his  sentence. Today, his relationship with his parents has been restored.  He is an instructor at Moody Bible College in  Chicago and lives each day with purpose.
“All of our days are numbered. No person has ever been  promised tomorrow. Yet most of us live with the expectancy of tomorrow. It took  getting HIV for me to realize that I must live with a sense of urgency,” he  says.  
He no longer defines himself by his sexuality. He says, “My  identity as a child in God must be in Jesus Christ alone. I read passages in Scripture,  which told me, ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’ I had always  thought that the opposite of homosexuality was heterosexuality, but I realized  that the opposite of homosexuality is holiness. God was telling me, ‘Don’t  focus upon feelings. Don’t focus upon your sexuality, but focus upon living a  life of holiness and living a life of purity.'
“Being a Christian is not an easy thing. I may still  struggle, but God has given me the grace. God has claimed the victory on the  cross. Though I may still have struggles, I’m not going to be bound by  them.”
发表于 2015-7-29 15:19:16 | 显示全部楼层
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