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Bob Livingston: Government is theft

发表于 2015-4-20 11:37:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Government creates nothing and government has nothing except that which it has stolen from the people. And it steals it in myriad ways.
But government and politicians have invented just as many ways to convince the people that it is not theft when it compels people to surrender half or more of their earnings under penalty of fines and imprisonment. In fact, government and politicians are so adept at theft and deception that most people have no idea of the expanse of the government theft system and the criminal Mafioso gang that runs it.
For 100 years or more, Americans have been victimized by a state-sponsored socialist, altruistic, collectivist social and educational system that has produced a popular mentality of diminishing the individual and independent thinker to a collectivist mind (mentality), which can be esoterically swayed, directed and channeled against his own best interest. The virtue and sanctity of the individual person and ego are no more, and anathema to the state.
What does it all mean? It means government has created a state of mind that makes it honorable and necessary to give oneself and one’s production over to the state. Each individual, in order to be a good citizen of the state, must contribute most of his means and be grateful for the services the state returns — whether they are necessary or useful or not. There is never any consideration that perhaps some of the services or programs are neither desirable nor desired, or that someone or something other than the state can provide some or all necessary services more efficiently than can government.
The first and most obvious means of government theft is the income tax system. It is a known fact that at this time in the U.S., 50 percent of the population supports the other 50 percent with their income taxes. The producers support the nonproducers, including the ultimate in nonproducers, the elected and government bureaucrat class. The political class and their propaganda machine push the notions that the producers must “pay their fair share” and “give back” to the community. And then there is that subtle economic class war syndrome that implies that the accumulation of wealth makes one dirty.
“Pay your fair share” is a control phrase created to condition the public mind to a perverted “fairness” that uses an altruistic public to feel obligated morally to pay taxes. It tells the conscious mind to “do the right thing.” This phrase helps extract tax money without allowance for logic or legality.
But the income tax does not fund government — at least not the federal government. Taxes are necessary to fund state and local governments; but with a central bank and the ability to create money at will, they are not necessary to fund federal government. Remember that the U.S. government functioned and was fully funded for more than 100 years without an income tax — except for the period 1861-1872, when Lincoln instituted one to pay for the War Against Separation.
But what about the national debt, you ask? The crowd believes that there is a “national debt.” They believe this for good reason. There is a whole industry of deception in America that is promoting the national debt myth.
What does the national debt really mean? Since U.S. “money” (and the whole world’s money) is bank credit and since bank credit is created by government and commercial banks, then the “national debt” represents bank credit passed or “lent” upon an unsuspecting public for their real assets and labor. Translated, modern money (bank credit) expropriates wealth. In truth, then, the huge reported “national debt” is how much wealth the government has stolen from the American people — not how much the government owes.
The “national debt” propaganda covers the fraud that our real assets and real wealth are flowing to the government in exchange for government created credit.
Yes, indeed, this is witchcraft that reverses our thought processes. And, yes, the national debt is an asset to the government, not a liability. Real assets stolen with bank credit are assets to the government, not debt. Proof: When the local commercial bank “lends” you money (credit) that it creates with a bookkeeping entry, this transaction appears on the bank’s books as an asset (a deposit) to the bank and a liability (debt) to the borrower, who pledged real assets as collateral.
Yes, your debt is the bank’s asset. This same system works with the U.S. monetary system. Do you think that the government and the politicians want to keep this a secret? For some reason, the Federal Reserve spilled the beans in its publication “Keeping Our Money Healthy,” published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in which it said: “(O)ur system works only with credit.” All we have to know then is who creates credit and how is it used?
Wealth always flows to the creators of credit. Government and banks create money (credit) for one purpose, and that is to expropriate wealth. The expropriation of wealth is stealing with no payment intended.
Not only has the government stolen the national wealth and called it the national debt, but it has the people believing that it still owes a national debt. In other words, after being robbed with credit, the “national debt” implies that we owe the amount stolen from us. An entity that creates credit out of nothing and “pays” it for real assets and production is not assuming a debt by any definition. It is stealing and calling the theft debt. The creation and control of all credit in the hands of a central bank (government) is the fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto. Look honestly at the American monetary system, and you are looking tyranny and slavery in the face.
So what is the purpose of the income tax? The federal government uses the income tax to control consumption, redistribute wealth, hand out special favors to certain classes and corporations to buy votes and campaign cash, and to compile a dossier on all Americans.
Finally, let’s consider Social Security. Social Security was ostensibly created to fund the retirement of America’s workers. But the Social Security system is the same system as the income tax. Social Security is paid out of created credit money. It is not in any sort of “trust,” and it is not “funded.”
Although your money is taken from you without your consent and promised to you when you retire, government agents do all they can to make sure you get as little back as possible. This has been so since the beginning. Why do you think they keep raising the age at which full benefits begin and jiggling the numbers to decide that some are too “rich” to deserve to get their money back?
In 1935, when Social Security was first instituted, the full benefit age was 65, and the benefits went only to the primary worker. It was four years later that the law was changed to include survivor benefits for the retiree’s spouse and children. Those who did receive benefits in the early years sometimes got back far more than they paid in.
But most people never received benefits or did so only a few years because the average U.S. life expectancy in 1935 was 59.9 for men. By the time spouses began receiving benefits, their life expectancy was only 65, and for men it was still just 60.
New American workers paying into the system today will get far less in payments than they pay in, even if they reach the average life expectancy of upper 70s for men and low 80s for women. The increased life expectancy of Americans is behind the constant move to raise the age for full benefits. The idea for raising the minimum age is not about “saving the system” as you are told. It’s about getting it to an age where as few people as possible will receive a payout.
For those actually receiving some of their money back that was stolen from them during the course of their working life, government has found another way to make sure you get as little as possible. Government creates inflation (which dilutes the value of your dollars) and hides the inflation with phony measurements. Social Security is indexed to inflation. By keeping the official inflation numbers artificially low, the government gives back as little as possible to Social Security recipients. And the money they receive is worth far less than it was when it was stolen from them.
Social Security benefits were once 50 percent taxable. In other words, the government stole your money through a tax with a promise to give it back, but half of what it gave back was taxed (a portion stolen back) again. Under the current formula, as much as 85 percent is taxable. So government steals your money and calls it a tax, uses your money for its own purposes rather than letting you invest it as you see fit, then gives some of it back but steals some more of what it gives back, calling it another tax — in other words, a tax on taxed money. This makes sense only in the land of government.
The Social Security system is nothing more than biggest Ponzi scheme in history — that and a bait-and-switch scam. The bait is that you’ll have something for your retirement. The switch is that you’ll likely be dead before you’re eligible to get your own money back.
And getting more people paying into the scam is one reason for the big push for amnesty. It’s a plan to get more workers paying into the system in order to offset the falling birth rate of Americans.
Politicians tell us that if we don’t “fix” Social Security, it will go broke. Technically speaking, it is “broke” already, since the funds are used as soon as they are collected, as in a Ponzi scheme. The so-called Social Security Trust Fund exists only in theory. But Social Security will not go broke. “They” can print the money so Social Security will not go broke, but the “money” paid out will go broke in purchasing power.
Yes, government can fund all its activities and programs with money printing, but there is an inherit danger in this. That is why there is a need to steal your money under so many guises.
Production has to be balanced with consumption or the system collapses. Of course, as sick people and old people die, in the last months they produce huge income to the medical establishment. Then when they expire, they come off of Social Security, Medicare and all other government “benefits.”
This represents a big reduction in consumption. Therefore, as the population gets top heavy with the sick and the seniors, more “benevolent” ways must be found to get them off the nonproducing consumption side of the population numbers.
So if you want to do what the government wants you to do, you must expire when you retire. Too many nonproducing consumers will not be allowed. Sorry!

发表于 2015-4-20 20:41:06 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-21 12:09:11 | 显示全部楼层
kaleege 发表于 2015-4-20 20:41

发表于 2015-4-21 13:36:21 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-29 11:55:13 | 显示全部楼层

Prepare because ignorance is no longer bliss

本帖最后由 万得福 于 2016-11-29 11:56 编辑

What's the best thing that can happen to you right now?

Recognize that you may be ignorant.

That sounds harsh, or like an insult, but it is not.

Today, the word "ignorant" has become a code word. You are meant to think that ignorance is the absence of learning — or worse, that you are somehow stupid — and that you must "go to school" in order to reverse the condition.

What a con! Formal education in the U.S. is the same as a government education. The goal of formal education is to control the public mind by controlling our parameters of thought. Naturally you are taught in school and by the media that this is not true.

Attend a government education center, or school, and you will be just as ignorant coming out as you were going in. Sure, you will know "things." But ignorance is not the absence of knowledge. Ignorant people are those who do not know that they don't know.

Come out of any public school and you will still be under the delusion that you are aware of reality.

Intelligent people are those who know not, and know that they know not. Information then becomes wisdom to those with an inquiring mind.

You are now seeing very intense arguments between people who believe in one party's message over the other. They do not realize they are arguing over table scraps fed to them by the elites. This type of propaganda is not Left vs. Right. It is total warfare against your mind. It is the language the elites use to make people fight with each other so they can profit and stay in power.

Realize that when people see things differently, it is because they are not on the same page.

How do we get on the same page? Assume that if you were all-knowing you would measure at 100, and everybody else is somewhere between there and zero. Your number has nothing to do with your, "education." In fact your number of somewhere between zero and 100 has nothing to do with anything.

You have heard that old saying "He has his ear to the ground." Inquiring minds gain knowledge. Don't give up, you can catch up. Never fear, you can learn.

This I know is true because I have seen many backwoods-type people, who would be considered ignorant by those in their Ivory towers because they talked completely dumb, who had more perception and common sense than many or most people with high degrees of formal education.

So here's the deal: I urge you to flush everything you know and start over! Reality is strong medicine. It makes most people sick. So I hit you with the strong first so as to get you in recovery before you give up the ghost.

What else besides the truth about ignorance itself might you not be aware of?

Savings: We are taught to save from the cradle to the grave. There is no such thing as savings in a depreciating currency like the U.S. dollar. Savings and fiat (paper money) are mutually contradictory. All savings should be in gold and silver if we understand money and government.

Government: Is organized crime that flourishes on the wealth and the production of its citizens. The system gives them life and protects their "profession," but you pay. The system protects itself, not the people.

Democracy is the buzzword at all levels in our society when referring to human liberty. Truth is they use the word democracy for any chicanery the government wants to put on the people, from fascism to communism.

Hillary Clinton gave you a clue during her concession speech. "In a representative democracy such as ours..." she said. And heads everywhere nodded. Yet those who are not ignorant realize we have a representative republic.

In a democracy, the vote becomes the single, all-important symbol of citizen participation in government. Witness the movement to turn to another code word: the "popular vote." "Hillary won it!" they cry. "Get rid of the Electoral College!" they cry. But the democracy they crave is a veil for a wicked government that places all matters, including personal and private ones, into the public view, for public legislation.

And politicians are the whores of the system. They pretend to be for the people but in fact work for and are paid by the government.

Public Policy: Government creates and molds "public policy" to promote its political agenda. No benefits accrue to the people from public policy. Public policy is synonymous with government policy. In fact, public policy is the source of all sorts of government mischief resulting in loss of liberty. This is of course contrary to general knowledge.

Public Good: This is altruism that one least suspects. It has a double meaning. To the unsuspecting public it appears good, but it is hypocrisy with a hidden agenda to cover evil. It is the philosophical basis of democracy and benevolent totalitarianism.

The goal of altruism is to conceal the political agenda, promote ignorance of public health, create a state of mind of dependence on government and the medical establishment and quash every form of individualism, independence and creative thinking, promote ignorance of monetary realism whereby government can perpetually transfer wealth to itself with "money" that it creates and promote organized religion to support the "morality" of government and the system.

Fake News: A control phrase designed to direct your attention away from contrarian thought — and truth — and toward mainstream media, which has been proven by WikiLeaks to have been acting as a surrogate for the Hillary Clinton campaign. The only true and legitimate news sources are now found on the internet.

Famine: A person who can visualize famine in modern America and who stores food while all the grocery stores are still fully stocked is intelligent. The ignorant know not that something must be prepared for.

Conventional Medicine: American system of medical care as prescribed by medical schools, financed and controlled by pharmaceutical houses.

Symptomology: Means using drugs to mask symptoms and calling it medicine.

Deficit: Ponzi scheme used to describe so-called government debt. What it really means is there is never any intention to pay.

Government Bonds: A huge disguised system of theft as bonds are certificates of guaranteed confiscation of wealth.

U.S. Constitution: Historical memorabilia of human freedom, now passed away to the money creators.

Inflation is an increase of the money supply by the money creators. This used to be by stealth, but it is now noticeable that government has entered a new phase of squeezing the middle class. Zero interest rates and false indicators of true inflation mean people surviving on pensions and investments can no longer exist on the interest income.

We are in the center of the world crisis and there is no solution except collapse and wipe the slate clean.

Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

 楼主| 发表于 2020-10-21 14:17:15 | 显示全部楼层

There is a solution to big tech censorship — but no politician will touch it

本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-10-21 14:47 编辑

There is a solution to big tech censorship — but no politician will touch it
The threat of losing tax incentives would mean more large companies would refrain from censorship.

Take away all the tax incentives for any big tech companies that refuse to allow free speech on their platforms.

To solve the social media censorship debacle, we need to examine the very roots of corporations as entities. First, corporations, as we know them today, are a relatively new phenomenon. Adam Smith described the concept of a corporation as a "joint stock company" in his treatise The Wealth Of Nations, and stood against them as a threat to free-market economics. He specifically outlined their history of monopoly and failure and criticized their habit of avoiding responsibility for mistakes and crimes.

Joint stock companies were chartered by governments and given special protections from risk, as well as protection from civil litigation (lawsuits). But they were supposed to be temporary business entities, not perpetual business entities. The point was to allow for the creation of a joint stock company to finish a particular job, such as building a railroad, and once the job was finished, the company was dissolved and the government protections were no longer needed. Smith knew that if corporations were ever allowed to become permanent fixtures in an economy, they would result in disaster.

This is exactly what happened in 1886 when the Supreme Court allowed companies like Southern Pacific Railroad to use the 14th Amendment, which was supposed to protect the constitutional rights of newly freed slaves, as a loophole to declare corporations as "legal persons" with all the protections of real persons. Not only that, but with limited liability, corporations actually became super-citizens with protections far beyond normal individuals. Corporations became the preeminent force in the world, and it was their relationship with governments that made this possible.

This fact completely debunks today's notion of what constitutes free markets. Corporations are not free market structures. They are, in fact, government chartered and government protected monopolies. They are socialist creations, not free market creations, and therefore they should not exist in a free market society.

The alternative option was for businesses to form "partnerships," which did not enjoy protection from government, limited liability or the ability to form monopolies. When the owners of a partnership committed a crime, they could be personally held liable for that crime. When a corporation commits a crime, only the company as a vaporous faceless entity can be punished. This is why it is very rare to see company CEOs face prosecution, no matter how egregious and catastrophic their actions.

Today, certain corporations continue to enjoy government protections while also enjoying government welfare. Meaning, these companies get a legal shield while also getting the advantage of tax incentives and taxpayer dollars.

For example, Google (Alphabet and YouTube) has long received huge tax breaks as well as rarely if ever being forced to pay for the massive bandwidth the company uses. In fact, YouTube was facing bandwidth affordability issues, but when it was purchased by Alphabet and Google it no longer had to worry about — Google gets over 21 times more bandwidth than it actually pays for.

The same rules apply to companies like Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Apple, etc. All of them enjoy extensive tax breaks as well as cheap bandwidth that makes it impossible for small and medium-sized businesses to compete, even if they operate on a superior model or have superior ideas. Many times the corporations pay no taxes whatsoever while smaller businesses are crippled by overt payments.

A true free market requires competition as a rule, but the current system deliberately crushes competition. Again, we live in a socialist framework, not a free market framework.

Now that we understand the nature of big tech and what these companies actually are (creations of government), the debate on social media censorship changes. How? Take for example the fact that public universities in the U.S. are not allowed to interfere with free speech rights because many of them survive by consuming taxpayer dollars. They are public institutions, not private. Why then are we treating major corporations that survive on endless taxpayer infusions and incentives as if they are private? They are not — they are public structures and therefore should be subject to the same rules on free speech that universities are required to follow.

Of course, these corporations will surely argue against this and will attempt to use legal chicanery to maintain their monopolies. Trying to dismantle them could take many years, and there are no guarantees that government officials will even make the attempt? Why would they? The relationship between government and corporations has been an advantageous one for establishment elites for decades.

Instead of challenging the corporate model in the Supreme Court, an easier option would be to simply take away all the tax incentives for any big tech companies that refuse to allow free speech on their platforms. If Google had to pay normal price for the bandwidth it uses, the corporation would either implode, or it would be forced to break apart into multiple smaller companies that would then compete with each other. More competition means lower prices for consumers. The threat of losing tax incentives would mean more large companies would refrain from censorship.

Donald Trump as president could conceivable make this happen, but he will not, and neither will any other political officials. The partnership between government and corporations will continue, I believe, because there are other agendas at play here. The establishment wants the public to argue in favor of tech totalitarianism on one side and in favor of government totalitarianism on the other side. They aren't going to allow any other solutions to enter the discussion.

To confront the power dynamic between governments and major conglomerates is to confront one of the fundamental causes of corruption within our society, which is why it won't be allowed.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith
 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-14 21:12:57 | 显示全部楼层

America no longer the land of the free

本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-11-14 21:13 编辑

America no longer the land of the free

"History is not static and it does not progress linearly. There was more free speech and unimpeded expression in 5th-century Athens than in Western Europe between 1934-45, or in Eastern Europe during 1946-1989. An American could speak his mind more freely in 1970 than now." -- Victor Davis Hanson

The president and all 535 members of Congress take oaths to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. One has to wonder how many have ever read it. They certainly seem hell-bent on disregarding it.

Article 1, Section 1 says all legislative powers are vested in Congress, which consists of a Senate and a House of Representatives. That's apparently no longer the case, although I can't find where that was legally changed through an Amendment.

The Environmental Protection Agency believes it holds legislative power. In June the EPA issued a "rule" limiting state authorities under the Clean Water Act and telling them how and when they can approve new energy projects. Yes, the Act was an act of congress. But there is no Constitutional authority for an EPA, nor is there Constitutional authority for the EPA to supersede states' rights, especially for a power not expressly given to the federal government in the first place. But apparently, Congress doesn't care.

The EPA is just one of dozens of Federal agencies that have taken it upon themselves to regulate and control the lives of Americans while Congress sits idly by. Many of the bureaucrats who run these regulatory agencies are appointed by the President, so they do his bidding. President Trump was vehemently criticized for trying to limit the EPA's overreach, without so much as a word from his so-called Republican supporters, who have been equally silent after the election. Trump tried to limit the influence of the State Department and the Deep State revolted in order to oust him. This election turmoil is the result.

Remember when Boeing decided to build 30 percent of its 737s in South Carolina? The National Labor Relations Board filed a complaint in an effort to force the company back into the unionized Washington plant. In effect, President Obama — through his politically appointed board — was telling a company where it could and could not conduct business. That was Third World thuggery. Thankfully it didn't work.

I wonder what non-legislative group will come forward now that Boeing is consolidating production to S. Carolina and out of the Seattle area?

We are currently in a state of undeclared war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria, not to mention the "war on terror" which sends U.S. troops and missiles anywhere and everywhere. Yet, aside from a few lone voices — Republicans Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Susan Collins of Maine, Todd Young of Indiana, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted to restrict President Trump's power to make war on Iran — Congress, which alone has the authority to declare war, does nothing.

The Department of Homeland Security and local police forces have vans and trucks patrolling our streets with the capability of looking inside passing cars and into homes. The Transportation Security Administration forces airline passengers into choosing between harmful naked body scanners or full-body groping sessions for the "crime" of buying an airline ticket. The grope-and-peek procedures will be expanded to include "Covid passes" for all activities outside one's own home — if you are even allowed to do what you want there — including attendance at sporting events and concerts. Technology is being developed to allow agents to funnel large crowds of people through mobile command centers so they can be questioned while computers monitor their physiology as they respond.

Law enforcement uses parabolic antennas to listen in on far-away conversations, video cameras to follow people's every move and face recognition software to identify them — even if they have not been charged or convicted of a crime.

These actions are blatant violations of the 4th Amendment. Congress does nothing... and says little. They are part of the "law and order" crowd... unless you are a "Black Lives Matter" looter or rioter, then you are free to run around lawlessly without order to destroy and burn as you choose.

Any time a State attempts to nullify a law or regulation that it deems unConstitutional, it is threatened by the Justice Department, sued or refused federal funds. Those funds, by the way, go to the Federal government after they are taken from workers who have no choice but to comply with the onerous tax code or go to prison.

The 4th Amendment, the one that guarantees Americans the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, was eviscerated by the Supreme Court ruling that gave police license to enter a home without first obtaining a warrant if they hear what they deem suspicious sounds inside.

The USA Patriot Act, passed while the rubble of the World Trade Center still smoldered following the false flag terrorist attack of 9/11, gave the Federal government license to create all sorts of reasons and excuses to surreptitiously listen in on electronic conversations, rifle through bank records and imprison people without trial.

Local police departments are becoming increasingly militarized. According to a report by the Cato Institute: "Over the last 25 years, America has seen a disturbing militarization of its civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and unsettling rise in the use of paramilitary police units (most commonly called Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT) for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home... The raids terrorize innocents when police mistakenly target the wrong residence. And they have resulted in dozens of needless deaths and injuries, not only of drug offenders, but also of police officers, children, bystanders, and innocent suspects."

We now have a quasi-military roaming the streets terrorizing citizens, a Congress neglecting its authority, a Supreme Corrupt disregarding the Bill of Rights and local politicians and state governors using "emergency" powers to act as dictators through the use of executive orders (only meant for government personnel activities and not citizens).

America, land of the free? Not anymore.

It should be apparent that the Deep State along with Big Tech and the lamestream media have cracked down on the information flow to citizens and between citizens. Ignorant people, after all, are easier to control.

These people in power are long-term planners. They absolutely understand human nature and how to channel it to the evolvement and refinement of the authoritarian state.

Remember, governments can stay in power if...

They can continue to deceive most of the people.
They have a method to steal the people's liberty without hostile awareness over a long period of time with gradualism ("We're just banning this one gun!")
They have a method to steal the people's wealth without hostile awareness over a long period of time with inflation and income tax.
The key to government power is gradualism. Anything can be accomplished over a long period of time. People accept their conditioning no matter what it is. I have found that the very first step toward awareness is to become suspicious of all politicians and people who claim to be "authorities."

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
发表于 2020-11-22 16:30:04 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-27 10:29:11 | 显示全部楼层

Thanksgiving: What we have to be thankful for!

本帖最后由 万得福 于 2020-11-27 10:30 编辑

On Sept. 6, 1620, a group of travelers (English Separatist Puritans) boarded a ship and departed from Plymouth Harbor, England and embarked on a 3,000-mile journey across the Atlantic to what was being called, The New World or New England.
Two months later, after enduring violent storms and other hardships, the ship, Mayflower, put in at what we now know as Cape Cod, Mass. Four days later, on Nov. 15, a small group of men rowed ashore on a small boat, where they saw a group of "savages" who ran away.
The explorers tried to follow the natives but soon foundered in the thickets and gave up. Exploring the next day they found an abandoned settlement containing evidence of planting, the remains of a shelter and a large kettle with sand heaped around it.
While digging out the kettle they found several baskets of stored food, some of which they took for themselves to carry back to the ship, while reburying the rest. The next day the group found a good place to put ashore and the entire complement of the ship, about 100 people, began Plymouth Colony.
Starting a new colony at the beginning of winter proved a daunting task, and about half of all the settlers died. If not for food pilfered from the Indians that winter, all might have perished.
The following spring a couple of Indians (one who had learned English from fishermen and another who had been taken into slavery but escaped) befriended the pilgrims and taught them how to plant and fish and gather fruit. Their first harvest that fall was plentiful for the colonists and they and the Indians shared their food during a three-day festival — a time that is known as the first Thanksgiving.
It turns out the celebration was premature. The group structure was designed so that everyone placed the fruits of their labor into a common store. People were then to take what they needed for sustenance. But during the following summers, with some toiling diligently at farming and fishing and gathering, and others refusing to work, hard feelings developed and food shortages occurred.
So Governor William Bradford assigned each family a plot of ground and allowed the people to use the fruits of their labor to eat or trade as they saw fit. It wasn't long before so much was being produced that they could use it to trade with others.
The free market had won out over socialism.
Today we live in a country where "Democratic Socialism" is on the rise, and its proponents — make no mistake, they are full-fledged socialists — believe that both the economy and society should be run "democratically," which to them means meeting public needs, not to make profits for a few.
Meanwhile, those profits are already being taken away and shared by all through our tax-and-entitlement system that is already socialistic and not free market at all.
  • The top 1 percent of income earners take in 21 percent of the country's wealth but pay 38.5 percent of the taxes. The top 5 percent of earners take in 36.5 percent of the wealth but pay 59 percent of the taxes.
  • The top 10 percent of income earners take in 47.7 percent of the wealth but pay 70 percent of the taxes. And 86.1 percent of all taxes are paid by the top 25 percent of income earners.
  • Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent of income earners take in 11.3 percent of the wealth but pay only 3.1 percent of the taxes.
More and more the tax system is slanted to create a growing dependent class that pays little or no taxes while the producers are burdened with a growing tax liability. That will only increase if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are foisted on United States citizens.
It's a system that is doomed to failure today just as it was in the 1600s.
But today is a day for Thanksgiving, and you should still have much to be thankful for.
Those of us who practice a religion have our loving God. We have our health issues, but if we look about us we can always find someone dealing with a situation that would for us be a terrible burden. Blessings on them, on you, and on us all.
Finally, we Americans live in the greatest country in the history of the world, even if it is saddled with a few warts. For example, speaking of wealth and wellbeing, only 75 percent of those who want a job have one according to shadowstats.com (the government says "officially" about 93 percent are working).
But, despite all that, for a few days at least, Congress is not in session plotting to steal our wealth and liberty.
So let's relax today and consider our blessings. Eat a hearty meal — or two. Enjoy your family, your football game, and the weather. Recharge your batteries.
And get ready to take up the fight again anew, because tyranny is but a step away.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-6 13:42:21 | 显示全部楼层

NY State Assembly Bill A416: COVID concentration camps in America?

本帖最后由 万得福 于 2021-1-6 13:43 编辑

Six months ago, amid the panic and the hype surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, the New Zealand government made an announcement that went mostly unnoticed by the mainstream media.
It was a policy decision that the whole western world should have been up in arms about, but at the time the public was still processing the pandemic chaos. New Zealand was instituting what amounted to COVID prisons — medical "quarantine facilities" where any citizen suspected of being a COVID carrier could be detained without due process for as long as the government saw fit. Not only that, but these COVID camps would fall under the jurisdiction of the military. In other words, New Zealand COVID response was quietly being shifted into martial law.
The hyper-totalitarian measures were implemented in the face of a mere 22 COVID deaths for the entire nation at that time. The media has been applauding the New Zealand response, arguing that heavy-handed policies today will mean more freedom and a better economy tomorrow when infection numbers have been reduced. However, as I have been warning since the beginning of the pandemic, the lockdowns are designed to last forever. We might be allowed "partial reopenings" and brief moments of relief, but the virus is nothing more than a useful crisis to be exploited as a rationale for tyranny.
Currently, New Zealand is facing further travel restrictions due to the discovery of a "COVID mutation" in the U.K. The government has indicated that any sign of renewed infection will be met with hard lockdowns once again.
In an article from August, I stated:
"I believe the reason Australia and New Zealand have been targeted with this level of restrictions first is because they have been almost fully disarmed and have no means to defend themselves from government overstep. That said, I see signs that similar measures will be attempted in the U.S. as well. In states like New York, there are low key programs to set up covid checkpoints stopping and checking vehicles coming into the state. This is where heavier restrictions start."
It would seem my prediction might come to pass sooner than I thought. New York State Assembly Bill A416 has been dredged up by lawmakers and its contents are rather horrifying. The bill can be read here. To summarize, A416 allows the NY governor dictatorial powers to detain and imprison any citizen determined to be a threat to public health safety during any viral outbreak. This could be power could be interpreted very broadly, perhaps even to include people who refuse to take the covid vaccine. The bill also allows for people to be imprisoned in "medical facilities" or other facilities; in other words, quarantine camps.
The bill was originally introduced in 2015 around the time of the Ebola outbreak scare, but it was shelved when that particular crisis didn't pan out. The coronavirus pandemic is giving the bill new life, and this is not at all surprising. Just as we saw right after 9/11, any time a major crisis gains traction the government seeks to fast-track draconian laws that the public never would have tolerated in the past.

I wrote an article during the Ebola scare several years ago in which I pointed out that a pandemic could be used as a perfect cover event for the enforcement of martial law style measures. I was particularly concerned about the possibility that resistance to virus lockdowns would be limited and that this would give the government a free hand to start arresting people that resist collectivist enforcement without too much public scrutiny.
Luckily, with COVID, the death rate at only 0.26 percent nationwide for anyone not living in a nursing home the resistance to the lockdowns is growing every day. Americans are just not going to put up with violations of their civil liberties much longer.
The NY bill is, in my opinion, a litmus test for the rest of the country. The establishment will see how much resistance they get in a hard leftist state first, and if they can get A416 passed they will then try to pass similar bills in other Democrat-controlled states. If we have a Biden presidency in the next month, then expect a federal version not long after.
I think the timing of the rehashed bill is not coincidental. The fact that it is now being pushed again in the NY Assembly at the same time that the COVID vaccine is meeting so much resistance suggests that the goal will be to use the threat of COVID camps as a tool to frighten the public into compliance with the barely tested vaccine. Currently, polls indicate that a majority of Americans are wary of the safety of the vaccines and at least 30 percent plan to refuse it outright.
I suspect that if these kinds of laws are put in place in any state let alone multiple states there will be a severe backlash. Conservatives will continue to relocate to more free counties and states while taking their businesses and tax dollars with them. Eventually, COVID camps will lead to a violent reaction. It is inevitable.
I would suggest to leftist lawmakers that this is a path they do not want to go down, and establishment elites would not be safe either from the anger many Americans will feel when faced with forced vaccinations or imprisonment over a virus that over 99 percent of the population is unaffected by. There are certain lines we will not allow them to cross, and this is one of them.
The NY bill is only a taste of what is to come in terms of tyrannical legislation. The more rebellion the elites run into the more they will try to turn to the "law" to legitimize their criminality. It is all rather predictable, which is why the legislation does not particularly worry me. I think that even if it passes, it will only inspire greater unification of liberty-minded people; it will have the opposite effect the elites intend.

To truth and knowledge,
Brandon Smith
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