第二港湾, 华人休闲之家

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发表于 2015-1-15 12:59:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Why should the Swiss central bank action matter to you?
Yahoo Finance By Michael Santoli

Switzerland has fewer people than Virginia and a smaller economy than Turkey. Yet an arcane policy move by the Swiss National Bank early Thursday rocked global financial markets.

When Switzerland’s central bank ended an effort to limit the rise of the Swiss franc, the franc soared by 30% against the euro, the Swiss stock market shed a quick 10% and U.S. shares dropped in the initial shock.

How will the Swiss surprise matter to the typical American, if at all?

--The limited, but coveted, array of goods that the U.S. buys from Switzerland, including watches and chocolate, will likely get more expensive. The largest Swiss companies include pharmaceutical giants and banks, but their products are not, strictly speaking, sourced in Switzerland.

--The central impact of the SNB decision to cease suppressing the value of the franc is to upend popular financial-market bets and add pressure to an already- struggling eurozone economy.

As fund manager Luke Bartholomew of Aberdeen Asset Management puts it, “Switzerland’s problem is that it is almost too credible as a safe haven. People desperately want to hold the currency to shield themselves from the risks they see elsewhere, particularly in the euro area.”

The well-earned Swiss reputation for financial conservatism and “hard” currency stands in stark contrast to the euro bloc that surrounds it, which is staggered by heavy debt loads and growth-strangling fiscal policies.

With the European Central Bank widely seen as preparing a stimulus effort to buy up large quantities of government and other bonds – perhaps as soon as next week – the pressure on the euro appeared likely to increase. The Swiss policy makers seem to have concluded that the cost of restraining the franc’s value by purchasing European bonds itself would become too high.

Many hedge funds and other investors had taken comfort in the idea the Swiss franc would not appreciate much, so they either sold it short or borrowed in Swiss francs to invest elsewhere. Today’s startling surge in the franc has punctured those strategies and could lead to a spillover across other markets as those cornered investors are forced to sell other assets.

This episode is at least on the surface reminiscent of the triggers for the Asian financial crisis of the late ‘90s, which began with Thailand abandoning its currency peg.

--An appreciating Swiss franc could also harm consumers in Eastern Europe, who in recent years have commonly borrowed in Swiss francs due to ultra-low interest rates.

According to Bloomberg News, more than 40% of mortgages on the books of Poland’s banks are denominated in Swiss francs. When the borrowed currency surges against the borrower’s home currency, the effective cost of that debt balloons.

An even-weaker Europe will further drag on global growth and the profitability of American multinationals, intensifying questions about whether the domestic American economy can remain largely insulated from worldwide malaise.

--A less tangible but undeniable result of the Swiss move is to deepen the sense that the world’s central banks are increasingly desperate to experiment in a bid to control currencies, capital flows and economic fortunes.

Some $12 trillion in new money has been created since the global financial crisis by the major central banks in a broad attempt to bolster hobbled banking systems, ease debt service and revive a damaged global economy.

In most cases, such as in Japan and Europe, the central banks are intent to force their currencies lower, which chases capital to the perceived havens such as Switzerland and, to a significant degree, the U.S.

With so much money in motion – and now skittish thanks to the SNB’s reversal of a policy it avowed just weeks ago – the main concern is that the unintended economic consequences could be significant。

 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-15 13:04:18 | 显示全部楼层
这个国家的‘经济学家’在黄金几百美金的时候,把国家储备卖了个七七八八,最近的公投否决了增持黄金的议案。现在和欧元脱钩。NO ZUO NO DIE. 今年的好戏还在后头。呵呵。
发表于 2015-1-15 14:11:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-15 16:45:50 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-16 10:46:14 | 显示全部楼层
受瑞士央行取消欧元兑瑞郎汇率下限的影响 外汇券商集体”爆仓“ 福汇股价盘前暴跌85%
受瑞士央行取消欧元兑瑞郎汇率下限的影响,多家外汇券商公司遭遇黑天鹅。其中损失2.25亿美元的福汇股价盘前暴跌85%,市值从6亿美元暴跌至9000万美元。Alpari UK及Excel Markets宣布破产。



另一家大型美国外汇零售券商嘉盛gain capital盘前大跌30%。

英超西汉姆联队赞助商Alpari UK宣布清盘。一家新西兰外汇券商Excel Markets也宣布破产。

IG集团在 声明中称:“这次的影响范围之广,部分要看公司偿还客户债务的能力。从市场和信贷风险来评估,总体应该在承受范围之内。”对于IG这样的上市公司而言,此 次遭遇罕见的市场风险,主要是因为在剧烈的市场波动期间,公司从市场波动中获得的收益,不足以支付客户从订单中所获的利润。

德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的外汇交易平台Autobahn和盛宝银行(Saxobank)的外汇交易商报告称交易中断。德意志银行的一位未具名交易员称,德意志银行的Autobahn一度停止了报价。

据道琼斯,巴克莱在昨天瑞士央行“黑天鹅”事件中的损失低于1亿美元。德意志银行损失则为1.5亿美元。interactive broker损失1.2亿美元。

在瑞士央行做出取消欧元/瑞郎汇率下限的惊人决定之前,瑞郎空头头寸的规模达到18个月来最高水平,美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)的数据显 示,瑞郎/美元空头头寸规模创2013年中以来最高纪录。盛宝银行(Saxo Bank)的市场策略主管Ole Hansen称,截至1月6日,对冲基金的瑞郎空头头寸价值31亿瑞郎。

作为一家直通式交易经纪商(STP),并且客户手中主要握有的是大量的瑞郎空头,福汇持有和其银行交易对手同样的立场。在欧元兑瑞郎、美元兑瑞郎汇 率暴跌的同时,拥有多头寸的客户正在遭遇巨大的亏损,他们将欧元兑瑞郎的止损价位设在大约在1.0400水平左右。任何人的头寸超过账户余额的8倍,就将 导致他们的账户完全亏损。很多选择高杠杆利率的客户眼睁睁地看着账户被爆仓。
 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-16 10:58:07 | 显示全部楼层
Entry into force of FATCA agreement between Switzerland and United States delayed by six months

Bern, 30.09.2013 - Switzerland and the United States have amended the FATCA agreement in line with the new timetable for FATCA implementation by means of an exchange of notes. Swiss financial institutions now have to implement FATCA from 1 July 2014 rather than from 1 January 2014.

On 12 July 2013, the US Department of the Treasury announced that FATCA implementation by foreign financial institutions would be postponed by six months. As the FATCA agreement signed between Switzerland and the United States on 14 February 2013 was based on the earlier timetable with commencement on 1 January 2014, it had to be adjusted to the new schedule.

This amendment lies within the authority of the Federal Council and assures Swiss financial institutions the same implementation deadlines as financial institutions in other countries. The agreement was amended by means of an exchange of notes. The amendment will enter into force at the same time as the FATCA agreement.

The agreement was approved and the implementing act adopted in the final vote of parliament on 27 September 2013. The changes necessitated by the postponement are taken into account in the federal decree and in the act. The FATCA agreement and the implementing act are subject to an optional referendum.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-16 13:40:59 | 显示全部楼层
万得福 发表于 2015-1-16 10:58
Entry into force of FATCA agreement between Switzerland and United States delayed by six months

Ber ...

 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-16 14:41:17 | 显示全部楼层
archers 发表于 2015-1-15 16:45

发表于 2015-1-16 18:08:45 | 显示全部楼层
万得福 发表于 2015-1-16 14:41
瑞士为什么是“西方发达工业国家”?为什么它能成中立国,逃避两次世界大战? ...

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