第二港湾, 华人休闲之家

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发表于 2013-10-9 00:23:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 belle 于 2013-10-9 00:32 编辑

我一贯在开车上班的时候听on point, 不过一般时间短听不完,有时候就下载了听。主持人Tom Ashbrook是我最喜欢的主持(因为基本不看电视,所以没有之一)。
今天听了个关于snowden的podcast, 前NSA雇员的遭遇清楚的说明,体制内不可能暴露NSA的违法和越界,只会把自己送进监狱。只要Snowden不想失去自由,选择逃亡之路几乎是必然的。那个女嘉宾非常之头脑清晰事实雄辩,很佩服。记得Obama上台前反patriot act, 现在居然嘴脸这么难看的追捕whistle blower, 政客的话果然不能信。

If the government wants US citizens to trade liberty for security, it must negotiate with us openly and in advance.
I think Snowden should be compared to German citizens or soldiers with knowledge of the Holocaust during WWII.  Hitler and the Nazis came to power via legal elections and they could make laws forbidding Germans from revealing state secrets.
In the Nuremburg and Auschwitz trials, the allies rejected defenses claiming that defendants merely followed orders or followed the law.   The U.S. and allied position then was that citizens have a positive duty to break the law when simple morality compels it.
If the U.S. captures and imprisons Snowden, it could have an effect similar to the jailing of Nelson Mandela which eventually brought the government down.

It is a mistake to define the core issue here as "privacy". While privacy is an important and implicit consideration, the prevalent characterization of NSA surveillance objections as being primarily about "privacy" causes me to wonder what people were taught about the origins of the American Revolution and the Bill of Rights. "Tyranny" - not "privacy" - was the founder's central concern. The first and fourth amendments, especially, were developed to create institutional barriers to despotism. How would an American Vladimir Putin or Recep Ergowan use the NSA surveillance program? These are only two examples of democratically elected leaders who are moving - or have moved - their countries into tyranny. This will be much easier to accomplish here if programs like "Prism" remain in place. Sorry, but it can happen here. Those who say that surveillance is OK because they have nothing to hide were cheated in their basic education in American history. I feel sorry for these folks but, just the same, can only concur with Ben Franklin when he said that those who would choose security over freedom deserve neither.

All this surveillance activity is based on this mindset that we're in a "war on terror."  In the wake of 9/11, did the US need to better organize various agencies to improve coordination?  Yes.  Do they need to be vigilant about risks from terrorists groups?  Yes.  But calling it a WAR on terror is wrong.  By that rationale, it's a war without end.  You can never negotiate peace or even know when the war is over.  It's a permanent war state.Mr. Snowden's concerns are right in line with what James Madison, father of the Constitution, wrote: "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
Freedom is hard won but easily forfeited.



发表于 2013-10-9 10:01:36 | 显示全部楼层
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