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发表于 2015-11-27 16:12:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://thinkprogress.org/health/ ... arenthood-shooting/

BREAKING: Active Shooting At Planned Parenthood In Colorado Springs, Multiple Victims
[size=0.9]BY ALAN PYKE NOV 27, 2015 2:22PM

[size=0.7]CREDIT: CBS NEWS



Police in Colorado Springs, Colorado are responding to an active shooting at a Planned Parenthood location on that city’s west side early Friday afternoon.
Three officers are injured outside the reproductive health center, Lt. Catherine Buckley told reporters. Buckley said they don’t yet know the number of civilian victims or the severity of their injuries. The gunman is inside the Planned Parenthood office according to multiple reports and local police, but is not yet apprehended.

Officers responded in an armored Bearcat vehicle but have not yet secured the scene, according to the police department’s public twitter account.

Police instructed employees at an adjacent restaurant to stay indoors and out of site, according to the Denver Post.
Planned Parenthood has been under increased scrutiny since a deceptively edited video accused the organization of illegally selling fetal tissue. The charges were baseless but have been a rallying cry in anti-abortion circles and prompted lawmakers at the state and federal level to attempt to cut off funding.
About a half hour after initial reports began to break on social media, the area is not yet secure. Police are instructing media to stay away from the area and set up shop about three-quarters of a mile down the road.

The suspect is being described on emergency radio channels as a white man in his 40s wearing a long coat and a hunting-type hat.
Local media reports indicate the shooter may have fired on passing cars. The Planned Parenthood clinic is normally open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, though it was not immediately clear if it was observing normal hours on the day after Thanksgiving.
Federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms have joined local police and county sheriffs at the scene. Roughly two hours after emergency responders initially arrived at the Planned Parenthood, the shooter is still at large.
Police previously said the shooter was inside the building, but now say they cannot confirm that location information. Multiple civilians have been evacuated from the building by police responders who continue to seek the shooter.
Denver Post reporter Jordan Steffen says one woman who was hiding inside the Planned Parenthood building called her brother briefly, asking him to look after her children. He heard gunshots in the background, according to Steffen, and his sister hung up after about two minutes.

This is a breaking news story. This post will be updated with more information.

发表于 2015-11-29 23:06:35 | 显示全部楼层
美国再发枪击案致3死9伤 奥巴马怒称“真是够了”

文章来源: 凤凰网 于 2015-11-29


法新社29日报道称,27日晚些时候,科罗拉多州斯普林斯市一家计划生育联合会附属的医疗中心遭遇枪击。案发时,枪手和警方发生激烈交火,共造成3 死9伤,死者包括一名警察。警方透露,当时枪手扣押了24名人质。经过长达5小时的对峙,枪手最终向警方缴械投降,人质安全撤离。美国计划生育联合会负责人维奇·柯瓦特在一份声明中谴责了这一暴行,并认为枪手的作案动机是出于对美国合法堕胎制度的抵触。

据《纽约每日新闻》报道称,枪手名叫罗伯特·路易斯·迪尔,现年57岁。他在接受审讯时提到“不愿再看到更多婴儿器官”,(Robert Lewis Dear, 57, told investigators "no more baby parts" (“不要再买卖更多婴儿器官” ---美国计划生育联合会被曝光买卖儿童器官)after surrendering to heavily armed officers at the city's lone Planned Parenthood clinic Friday, multiple news outlets reported)。但他在陈述时前后矛盾、逻辑不清,因此调查人员一时无法认定“反堕胎”是他的犯案动机。根据调查,迪尔性格古怪、行事诡秘。他还曾对前妻实施家暴。在过去十多年里,他经历过多场官司:2002年,他因偷窥被捕;2003年,他用一支气枪射伤了邻居家的狗,因虐待动物再次受到指控;2005年时,因为一点小矛盾他又对邻居进行了威胁。





 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-30 00:03:21 | 显示全部楼层
万得福 发表于 2015-11-29 23:06
美国再发枪击案致3死9伤 奥巴马怒称“真是够了”

文章来源: 凤凰网 于 2015-11-29

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